1. Quarkus Sampler Documentation
1.1. General
The purpose of the project is to provide a working example for the general structure of a Quarkus project.
1.2. Used technologies
Coffee 2.0.0+
"Java EE solution set aimed at gathering common algorithms used in the enterprise world, providing fundamental solutions that can be customized to meet specific needs." (https://github.com/i-Cell-Mobilsoft-Open-Source/coffee) -
Java 17+
Maven 3.8.2+
Jakarta EE 10+
CDI 4.0+
Microprofile 6.0+
Quarkus 3.16.4+
Tracing with grafana
1.3. Projekt structure
- GitHub settings -
- Repository of documentation -
- Configurations, development environment scripts, etc.-
- Configurations-
- Grafana dashboards, datasources. -
- Prometheus configuration for localhost
- Docker Compose files and their corresponding Dockerfiles. -
- Docker release management assistance in GitHub CI.
2. Useful commands and accesses
Commands used for development purposes, which are used to build and start development environments.
The application can be started in several ways:
Starting Quarkus dev with Maven
Creating a Quarkus uber-jar and running this jar file using
java -jar
Placing the same jar into a Java Docker image and running it (using local.Dockerfile)
Certain IDEs natively include a Quarkus project recognition module that automatically creates a run configuration, which can also be used to start the project.
Docker-compose is used for creating and running Docker images.
The project includes a sampler-rest service that demonstrates the usage of the module. This example can run entirely on a local development machine. Therefore, it has no external dependencies. |
2.1. Starting the qs-rest-service server in various ways
Several browsers natively support Quarkus similarly to Spring Boot projects, recognizing it and creating their own run configurations.
mvn clean compile quarkus:dev
The project does not consist of a single module as Quarkus would expect, hence requiring compilation. |
Using the Quarkus Maven plugin, the project can be started in dev mode, activating several development tools. For more information: https://quarkus.io/guides/dev-mode-differences. |
mvn clean install (1) docker-compose -f <PROJECT_PATH>/quarkus-sampler/etc/docker-compose/docker-compose.local.qs-rest-service.yml up --build --force-recreate (2)
Therefore, it is necessary for the jar that goes into the Docker image to be built.
Running the docker-compose command in the project root initiates the Docker Compose build (forcing recreation with the --force-recreate parameter if necessary) and starts up the services (up).
2.2. qs-rest-service native
mvn install -Pnative -Dnative -Dquarkus.native.additional-build-args="--initialize-at-run-time=hu.icellmobilsoft.coffee.tool.utils.string.RandomUtil","--initialize-at-run-time=io.grpc.internal.RetriableStream","--initialize-at-run-time=hu.icellmobilsoft.coffee.se.util.string.RandomUtil","--add-opens java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED"
docker compose -f <PROJECT_PATH>/quarkus-sampler/etc/docker-compose/docker-compose.local.native.qs-rest-service.yml up --build --force-recreate
3. Possibilities for project configuration settings
3.1. Quarkus-based configurations
Since the application is based on Quarkus, it utilizes Quarkus' foundational settings.
The description can be found here: https://quarkus.io/guides/all-config
Only those elements from the configuration list are active which are included in the project at the dependency level. |
Key elements that are already defined by default in the project:
Quarkus config key | Description | Env variable | Default value |
quarkus.arc.remove-unused-beans |
Arc setting - remove unused beans: Link |
- |
false |
quarkus.log.category."hu.icellmobilsoft".level |
hu.icellmobilsoft category log level |
quarkus.log.console.json |
Json logging enable |
false |
quarkus.log.console.format |
Console log format |
- |
quarkus.log.handler.gelf.additional-field."moduleVersion".value |
Gelf log - moduleVersion additional-field value |
unknown |
quarkus.log.handler.gelf.additional-field."moduleId".value |
Gelf log - moduleId additional-field value |
unknown |
quarkus.log.handler.gelf.additional-field."K8S_NAMESPACE".value |
Gelf log - K8S_NAMESPACE additional-field value |
unknown |
quarkus.handler.gelf.include-full-mdc |
Gelf log - Whether to include all fields from the MDC. |
false |
quarkus.handler.gelf.enabled |
Gelf log - Enable it |
false |
quarkus.handler.gelf.host |
Gelf log - tcp host link of logstasth |
tcp:localhost |
quarkus.handler.gelf.port |
Gelf log - port of logstasth |
12201 |
quarkus.handler.gelf.version |
Gelf log - version of logstasth’s communication |
1.1 |
quarkus.log.level |
Quarkus log level: Link |
quarkus.log.min-level |
Quarkus min log level: Link |
quarkus.otel.exporter.otlp.endpoint |
Otel endpoint: Link |
- |
quarkus.package.add-runner-suffix |
Quarkus package add runner suffix: Link |
- |
false |
quarkus.package.type |
Quarkus package type: Link |
- |
fast-jar |
quarkus.smallrye-openapi.info-title |
Openapi - info title : Link |
- |
Quarkus sampler service |
quarkus.smallrye-openapi.info-version |
Quartz - info version : Link |
- |
${quarkus.application.version} |
quarkus.smallrye-openapi.info-description |
Quartz - info version : Link |
- |
quarkus.swagger-ui.enable |
Enable swagger ui: Link |
- |
false |
3.2. Coffee-based configurations
In addition, due to the use of the Coffee Toolset, the application contains additional configuration options.
Coffee config key | Description | Env variable | Default value |
coffee.app.name |
Coffee app name in logs |
- |
${quarkus.application.name} |
coffee.config.resource.bundles |
Resource bundles' config for i18n |
- |
i18n.common-messages,i18n.messages |
coffee.config.xml.catalog.path |
Catalog path of Super catalog.xml |
- |
xsd/hu/icellmobilsoft/quarkus/sampler/dto/super.catalog.xml |
3.3. Microprofile Openapi configuration
Furthermore, related to Coffee, it also includes a MicroProfile OpenAPI filter configuration.
MP Openapi config key | Description | Env variable | Default value |
mp.openapi.filter |
Microprofile openapi filter class with package |
- |
hu.icellmobilsoft.quarkus.sampler.common.rest.filter.OpenAPIFilter |
3.4. Agroal configurations
The database connection management is similar to the pool managed by WildFly IronJacamar. Configuration and tuning options:
QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_ICELLMOBILSOFTDS_JDBC_MIN_SIZE: The minimum number of connections. It is worth setting this if we need continuously initialized database connections.
QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_ICELLMOBILSOFTDS_JDBC_MAX_SIZE: The maximum number of connections. It is essential to set an upper limit for the pool. Its size should be tuned according to the database-side maximum connection limits and the number of application instances.
QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_ICELLMOBILSOFTDS_JDBC_INITIAL_SIZE: Specifies the number of pre-initialized connections at service startup. This is useful when preparing for burst loads or peak periods.
QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_ICELLMOBILSOFTDS_JDBC_ACQUISITION_TIMEOUT: This operates similarly to the parameter in this script. This defines the time the pool has to provide a database connection. If the pool is full and the time expires, an exception will be thrown.
QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_ICELLMOBILSOFTDS_JDBC_IDLE_REMOVAL_INTERVAL: The duration for which an initialized but idle connection remains in the pool. This parameter can be tuned to ensure that unnecessary active connections do not burden the database.
QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_ICELLMOBILSOFTDS_JDBC_NEW_CONNECTION_SQL: For example, setting the schema or character encoding.
QUARKUS.TRANSACTION-MANAGER.DEFAULT-TRANSACTION-TIMEOUT: The transaction timeout. This differs significantly from WildFly’s 5-minute default, being set to 1 minute by default. This is the time a transaction has to complete.
Useful metrics have been implemented for a sample dashboard. TODO: Define and interpret the metrics.
4. Release notes
4.1. Quarkus Sampler 0.1.0
4.1.1. Release note
Base project with Quarkus 3.16.x
GitHub workflows for docker build and release build