1. Overview

The project aims to enable general template-based document generation for its clients.

1.1. Components

Figure 1. Architecture Diagram
Table 1. DookuG Backend 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
Type Module Version





dwh postgres image 0.10.0

2. Backend

2.1. Services

2.1.1. DOOKUG-DOCUMENT Service Document Generation

The module provides multiple options for document generation. For each option, we need to specify the template and how the document should be processed by the engine, in what format we want to receive the file, and how we want to store the generated document. If the format of the generated document is not a STRING value but an engine that can process the document is not provided, or if STRING format is desired but PDF_BOX engine is specified, an INVALID_INPUT error will be returned. When generating documents based on the initial template, parameters must also be specified. There are several options for specifying it, one of which is to send it in key-value pairs. The other option is to expect a json structure that is to be sent in base64binary form in the request. Document generation based on request body
POST /internal/dookug/document/generate/inline

During generation, we submit the initial template and the data associated with the generation in the request body: template and engine processing the document, response format, and document storage method.

Sample document generation request - JSON parameters in base64binary form (trimmed for readability):

Request method:	POST
Request URI:	http://localhost:8082/internal/dookug/document/generate/inline
Headers:		Accept=application/json
  "context": {
    "requestId": "431AZYLPPS6LJE01",
    "timestamp": "2023-02-22T09:12:23.533Z"
  "generatorSetup": {
    "generatorEngine": "PDF_BOX",
    "templateEngine": "HANDLEBARS",
    "parametersData": "ewogICAgIklOU1RJVFVURV9OQU1FIjogIlNpw7Nmb2tpIGvDs3Jow...",
    "responseFormat": "PDF",
    "documentStorageMethod": "DATABASE"
  "templates": [
      "templateName": "main_template",
      "templateContent": "PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+CjxodG1sPgo8aGVhZD4KCjxzdHls...",
      "initial": true
      "templateName": "head_template",
      "templateContent": "PHRhYmxlIHN0eWxlPSJoZWlnaHQ6IDE2MXB4OyB3aWR0aDog...",
      "initial": false

In the response, we receive the generated document and the filename in the HTTP header. Document generation based on request body, with metadata response
POST /internal/dookug/document/generate/inline/metadata

There’s an option to receive metadata describing the document instead of the document itself. In this case, the request URI and HTTP header differ when submitting the request.

Request method:	POST
Request URI:	http://localhost:8082/internal/dookug/document/generate/inline/metadata
Headers:		Accept=application/json
				Content-Type=application/json Document generation based on multipart form
POST /internal/dookug/document/generate/inline/multipart

To generate, we need to submit the initial template and the data associated with the generation. The latter matches the data sent for document generation based on the request body.

Sample document generation multipart form request with key-value parameters:

Request method:	POST
Request URI:	http://localhost:8082/internal/dookug/document/generate/inline/multipart
Headers:		Accept=application/octet-stream

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="REQUEST"
Content-Type: application/json
    "context": {
      "requestId": "42ZZBR3LKJZ9IT0X",
      "timestamp": "2023-02-21T12:57:52.113Z"
    "generatorSetup": {
      "generatorEngine": "PDF_BOX",
      "templateEngine": "HANDLEBARS",
      "responseFormat": "PDF",
      "documentStorageMethod": "DATABASE"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="TEMPLATE"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

DookuG simple test with prameters first: [{{first}}], second: [{{second}}]

In the response, we receive the generated document and the filename in the HTTP header. Document generation based on multipart form, with metadata response
POST /internal/dookug/document/generate/inline/multipart/metadata

There’s also an option to receive metadata describing the document instead of the document itself. In this case, the request URI and HTTP header differ when submitting the request.

Request method:	POST
Request URI:	http://localhost:8082/internal/dookug/document/generate/inline/multipart/metadata
Headers:		Accept=application/json
				Content-Type=multipart/form-data Document generation based on stored template
POST /internal/dookug/document/generate/storedTemplate

To generate, we need to submit the name of the template from which the document is generated, along with the data associated with the generation. The latter matches the data sent for document generation based on the request body, supplemented with how the template is stored.

Sample document generation based on stored template request - JSON parameters in base64binary form (trimmed for readability):

Request method:	POST
Request URI:	http://localhost:8082/internal/dookug/document/generate/storedTemplate
Headers:		Accept=application/json
  "context": {
    "requestId": "431BIFEOUJ0ODU01",
    "timestamp": "2023-02-22T09:26:45.121Z"
  "generatorSetup": {
    "templateStorageMethod": "DATABASE",
    "template": {
      "templateName": "DEV_TEMPLATE_HANDLEBARS",
      "templateLanguage": "HU",
      "validityDate": "2023-02-22T09:26:45.130074Z"
    "generatorEngine": "PDF_BOX",
    "templateEngine": "HANDLEBARS",
    "parametersData": "ewogICJ0aXRsZSI6ICJwZWxkYSBjaW0iLAogICJjdXJyZW50WWV...",
    "responseFormat": "PDF",
    "documentStorageMethod": "DATABASE"

In the response, we receive the generated document and the filename in the HTTP header. Document generation based on stored template, with metadata response
POST /internal/dookug/document/generate/storedTemplate/metadata

There’s an option to receive metadata describing the document instead of the document itself. In this case, the request URI and HTTP header differ when submitting the request.

The template key stored in the database consists of the templateName and templateLanguage values.

Request method:	POST
Request URI:	http://localhost:8082/internal/dookug/document/generate/storedTemplate/metadata
Headers:		Accept=application/json

Saving the document depends on the documentStorageMethod parameter. It can take two values: NONE and DATABASE. If NONE is specified, the document is not saved, and therefore cannot be queried later. In case of DATABASE, the generated document is saved in a database table, from where it can be retrieved later. Other data related to the document are also saved in the database:

  • identifier of the initial template - if the template is not saved, this parameter is not filled

  • filename of the generated file - generated from the unique identifier of the document, the name of the initial template, and the timestamp of the generation long value

  • file format

  • document status - DONE, FAILED, PENDING, SYNCING

  • parameters related to the document

  • document storage format - in case of the field DATABASE, this field is also filled with DATABASE value

During generation, the initial template is provided in any form of the response, the generated file is received, or metadata describing the document is received, as a DocumentMetadataResponse type object.

Sample DocumentMetadataResponse:

    "context": {
      "requestId": "42ZZBQ5K7W43FI6W",
      "timestamp": "2023-02-21T12:57:50.888Z"
    "funcCode": "OK",
    "metadata": {
      "documentId": "42ZZBQ3ISCXWVO6V",
      "storageMethod": "DATABASE",
      "filename": "filename.pdf",
      "format": "PDF",
      "status" : "DONE"
} Query Document Metadata
POST /internal/dookug/document/storedTemplate/metadata/query

The purpose of querying document metadata is to retrieve document information that meets the specified filtering criteria.

The endpoint supports pagination, meaning data can be retrieved across multiple pages. In the request, you can specify which page of data and how many elements per page you want to retrieve. Accordingly, the response includes total count of elements and the number of pages they span. If not specified, the endpoint defaults to returning the first 15 elements.

The following filtering criteria can be used:

  • templateId - identifier of the template used for document generation

  • status - status of the document

  • format - file format of the document

  • storageMethod - storage method of the document

  • storageId - unique identifier of the document storage

  • filename - name of the document file

Sorting parameters can be:

  • filename

  • documentStorageMethod

  • format

  • status

For sorting, you can specify whether to sort in ascending or descending order for each parameter individually. In addition to the mentioned sorting options, there is a default sorting by document identifier.

Sample DocumentMetadataQueryRequest:

Request method:	POST
Request URI:	http://localhost:8082/internal/dookug/document/storedTemplate/metadata/query
Headers:		Accept=application/json
				Content-Type=application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "context": {
      "requestId": "43183LDKQNC2R702",
      "timestamp": "2023-02-22T09:15:14.168Z"
    "paginationParams": {
      "rows": 10,
      "page": 1
    "queryParams": {
      "status": "DONE",
      "storageMethod": "DATABASE",
      "filename": "filename.pdf",
      "format": "PDF",
      "templateId" : "MAIN_TEMPLATE"

If documents are found based on the submitted parameters, the response returns a list of up to 100 elements.

Sample DocumentMetadataQueryResponse:

    "context": {
      "requestId": "43183LDKQNC2R702",
      "timestamp": "2023-02-22T09:15:14.168Z"
    "funcCode": "OK",
    "rowList": [
        "documentId": "43183KXXW2KCI206",
        "storageMethod": "DATABASE",
        "filename": "filename.pdf",
        "format": "PDF",
        "status" : "DONE"
} Get Document
POST /internal/dookug/document/content/{documentId}

The purpose of this endpoint is to retrieve a previously generated and saved document based on the provided identifier.

Sample document retrieval request:

Request method:	GET
Request URI:	http://localhost:8082/internal/dookug/document/content/43183KXXW2KCI206 (1)
Headers:		Content-Type=application/octet-stream
1 Identifier of the generated document

If no document is found for the submitted identifier, an ENTITY_NOT_FOUND error is returned.

In the response - for an existing document identifier - the generated document is returned, and the file name is included in the HTTP headers.

2.2. OpenAPI Documentation

Download OpenAPI Files:

3. DookuG Module Client

The client aims to support management of the DookuG module, which encompasses various server-side methods.

3.1. Technology

  • Java 17

  • JEE 10 (There is a client for supporting JEE 8)

  • Eclipse Microprofile 4.1 and 5.0

3.2. Usage

Using the client requires only an entry in the pom.xml file, depending on the desired JEE version:




followed by an @Inject,

private DookugClient dookugClient;

which defines client calls to all endpoints and allows the use of its offered methods. The API calls are made using the MicroProfile Rest Client, so configurations can be set using the familiar microprofile-config. (see below)

It is the responsibility of the client application to mount resources under the /home/icellmobilsoft/resources mount point within the container that it uses, which are referenced in the templates!

3.3. Operation

The client currently has multiple methods to generate documents, retrieve metadata of the created documents, and fetch the generated document itself.

During document generation, some methods return the generated document:

public GeneratedDocumentDto postDocumentGenerateEntityBody(Collection<TemplateType> templates, Collection<ParameterType> parameters) throws BaseException;

public GeneratedDocumentDto postDocumentGenerateEntityBody(Collection<TemplateType> templates, ParametersDataType parametersData) throws BaseException;

public GeneratedDocumentDto postDocumentGenerateEntityBody(Collection<TemplateType> templates) throws BaseException;

public GeneratedDocumentDto postDocumentGenerateMultipart(InputStream template, Collection<ParameterType> parameters) throws BaseException;

public GeneratedDocumentDto postDocumentGenerateMultipart(InputStream template, ParametersDataType parametersData) throws BaseException;

public GeneratedDocumentDto postDocumentGenerateMultipart(InputStream template) throws BaseException;

public GeneratedDocumentDto postDatabaseStoredTemplateDocumentGenerate(String templateName, OffsetDateTime templateValidity, Collection<ParameterType> parameters) throws BaseException;

public GeneratedDocumentDto postDatabaseStoredTemplateDocumentGenerate(String templateName, OffsetDateTime templateValidity, ParametersDataType parametersData) throws BaseException;

It is important to note that ParametersDataType type parameters can be created manually, but a ParametersDataBuilder helper class is provided to configure the desired settings using a fluent API. This was required by the SAXON template engine, as additional parameters are necessary for generating XSLT templates, without which documents cannot be generated. The desired configuration can be easily extracted from the builder for the SAXON engine by calling the getSaxonParameters(byte[], byte[], boolean) method, where the FOP configuration content, the XML dataset, and the compression status of the XML can be specified, or through overloaded methods, just the content of the XML file.

GeneratedDocumentDto resp = client.postDatabaseStoredTemplateDocumentGenerate(
        TemplateLanguageType.HU, (1)
                FileUtil.readFileFromResource(DocumentServiceTestConstant.XSLT_TEMPLATE_PARAMS).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); (2)
1 The language of the template
2 The content of the XML dataset (uncompressed in this case)

These methods return a GeneratedDocumentDTO upon a successful call, which contains the generated filename, the generated object as a stream, and the HTTP status code.

Parameters must include the list of templates and the parameters if the templates contain variables that need to be replaced with values, such as in the case of the HANDLEBARS template engine. The parameters can be key-value pairs or a JSON object that essentially contains these key-value pairs.

The methods differ in the way the template for document generation is provided. In the postDocumentGenerateEntityBody() methods, the structure used as a template is sent in the request body. In the postDocumentGenerateMultipart() methods, the template is provided as a form parameter, InputStream. In the postDatabaseStoredTemplateDocumentGenerate() methods, only the template name needs to be provided, as the endpoint handles it according to the specified storage method.

Additionally, methods are available for generating documents where only the metadata of the created document is returned instead of the document itself:

public DocumentMetadataResponse postDocumentGenerateEntityBodyMetadata(Collection<TemplateType> templates, Collection<ParameterType> parameters) throws BaseException;

public DocumentMetadataResponse postDocumentGenerateEntityBodyMetadata(Collection<TemplateType> templates, ParametersDataType parametersData) throws BaseException;

public DocumentMetadataResponse postDocumentGenerateEntityBodyMetadata(Collection<TemplateType> templates) throws BaseException;

public DocumentMetadataResponse postDocumentGenerateMultipartMetadata(InputStream template, Collection<ParameterType> parameters) throws BaseException;

public DocumentMetadataResponse postDocumentGenerateMultipartMetadata(InputStream template, ParametersDataType parametersData) throws BaseException;

public DocumentMetadataResponse postDocumentGenerateMultipartMetadata(InputStream template) throws BaseException;

public DocumentMetadataResponse postDatabaseStoredTemplateDocumentGenerateMetadata(String templateName, OffsetDateTime templateValidity, Collection<ParameterType> parameters) throws BaseException;

public DocumentMetadataResponse postDatabaseStoredTemplateDocumentGenerateMetadata(String templateName, OffsetDateTime templateValidity, ParametersDataType parametersData) throws BaseException;

public DocumentMetadataResponse postStoredTemplateDocumentGenerateMetadata(String templateName, OffsetDateTime templateValidity, TemplateStorageMethodType templateStorageMethodType, Collection<ParameterType> parameters, ParametersDataType parametersData) throws BaseException;

These methods return a DocumentMetadataResponse upon a successful call, which includes the unique identifier of the document, filename, storage method, format, and status.

Similarly, the client calls are distinguished in the same way by how the template is provided.

To view already generated files, there is an option to query the metadata of the documents:

public DocumentMetadataQueryResponse postDocumentMetadataQuery(DocumentMetadataQueryParamsType queryParams) throws BaseException;

public DocumentMetadataQueryResponse postDocumentMetadataQuery(DocumentMetadataQueryRequest queryRequest) throws BaseException;

The query returns a DocumentMetadataQueryResponse upon a successful call, which contains the metadata of documents matching the specified parameters, as well as pagination data: total number of items, total number of pages, page number, and the number of items returned in the query.

Filtering conditions can include the document name, format, storage method, template identifier from which the document was generated, the identifier of the document’s storage, and the status of the document.

It is also possible to query a previously generated document:

public GeneratedDocumentDto getDocumentContent(String documentId) throws BaseException;

The response returns the generated document as a stream, the filename, and the HTTP status code upon a successful call.

The unique identifier of the document must be provided as a parameter.

The client also offers additional configuration options that can influence the generation process:


The setGeneratorEngineType() allows setting the engine used for output generation, which currently can be:

The setTemplateEngineType() allows setting the template 'type', which currently can be:

The setResponseFormat() allows setting the response format:

  • PDF


The setDocumentStorageMethodType() allows setting the document storage method:

  • NONE


The setDigitalSigningType(digitalSigningType) allows controlling whether the generated PDF document should have a digital signature. The digitalSigning expects three additional parameters:

  • signatureName - the name of the signature (optional)

  • signatureReason - the reason for signing (optional)

  • keyAlias - the identifier of the key in the keystore, used to identify the signing key (optional, but recommended as it defaults to searching for the test key)

If no settings are specified, the default values are PDF_BOX + HANDLEBARS + PDF + NONE without a digital signature.

The postDocumentGenerateEntityBody() methods call the following REST endpoint in the module:

POST /internal/dookug/document/generate/inline

The client sends:

  • ContextType

  • the received TemplateType list

  • the received ParameterType list

  • the GeneratorSetup object, which can be controlled by the client’s set methods.

If the request is correct, the generated object is returned.

For Multipart and StoredTemplate clients, the process is the same, differing only in the REST API calls.

The postDocumentMetadataQuery() methods call the following REST endpoint in the module:

POST /internal/dookug/document/storedTemplate/metadata/query

The client sends:

  • ContextType

  • the received filtering conditions

  • pagination parameters

  • sorting settings

If the request is correct, the metadata of the documents matching the specified parameters is returned.

Example of client usage:

 private DookugClient dookugClient;
 //template object
 TemplateType template = new TemplateType().withTemplateName("main").withTemplateContent("DookuG client simple test with parameters first: [{{first}}], second: [{{second}}]".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

 ParameterType parameter1 = new ParameterType().withKey("first").withValue("első");
 ParameterType parameter2 = new ParameterType().withKey("second").withValue("í189öüóőúűáé-.,<>#&@{};*¤ß$");
 GeneratedDocumentDto response = dookugClient.postDocumentGenerateEntityBody(List.of(template), List.of(parameter1,parameter2));

Or similarly, generating a document but with a PDF document format, multipart input, and returning the metadata:

 private DookugClient dookugMultipartClient;
 //template as byte array
 byte[] template = "DookuG client simple test with parameters first: [{{first}}], second: [{{second}}]".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

 ParameterType parameter1 = new ParameterType().withKey("first").withValue("első");
 ParameterType parameter2 = new ParameterType().withKey("second").withValue("í189öüóőúűáé-.,<>#&@{};*¤ß$");
 client.setResponseFormatType(ResponseFormatType.PDF); //ez a default
 client.setGeneratorEngineType(GeneratorEngineType.PDF_BOX); //ez a default
 client.setTemplateEngineType(GeneratorEngineType.HANDLEBARS); //ez a default
 DocumentMetadataResponse response = dookugMultipartClient.postDocumentGenerateMultipartMetadata(new ByteArrayInputStream(template), List.of(parameter1, parameter2));
3.3.1. Using Saxon-HE Engine in the Client

To use the Saxon-HE engine in the client, an XSLT template is required for generating a PDF file from an XML. In this case, only PDF can be the output format. You also need to provide a fop-config.xml file in the request, which helps regulate the use of fonts, for example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fop version="1.0">
        <renderer mime="application/pdf">
                <!-- TTF fonts -->
                <font kerning="yes" embed-url="/home/icellmobilsoft/fonts/Roboto/Roboto-Regular.ttf">
                    <font-triplet name="Roboto" style="normal" weight="normal" />
                <font kerning="yes" embed-url="/home/icellmobilsoft/fonts/Roboto/Roboto-Bold.ttf">
                    <font-triplet name="Roboto" style="normal" weight="bold" />

Handlebars can also be used with SAXON, where you can substitute the usual {{VARIABLE}} variables with desired text parts, as well as create nested templates (this is mainly used for that).

The major change from other engines is that you need to specify the XML as a data source in the generatorSetup in the SAXON case, in addition to other fields:

  • XML: as data source

  • XSLT: as template

  • fopConfig: transformer configuration

3.4. Error Handling

The client can only return a BaseException, but if a RestClientResponseException is received during the API call, it will return the wrapped BaseException contained within it!

4. Configuration

4.1. Backend

The module’s configuration is managed via MicroProfile Config, which allows specifying necessary values in multiple ways.

MicroProfile Config can retrieve a given key from all available sources and uses the highest priority value.

The base configuration is provided via project-defaults.yml, which can be extended and may vary per environment. It’s not necessary to specify every value; only those that differ from the default settings.

Possible modes in order of priority:

  • System variables

  • Environment variables

4.1.1. DOOKUG-DOCUMENT service

Unresolved directive in config/backend.adoc - include::../generated/dookug-api-common-config.adoc[leveloffset=+1]

4.1.2. Pdf Signature configuration

Unresolved directive in config/backend.adoc - include::../generated/dookug-pdf-signature-config.adoc[leveloffset=+1]

4.2. Client

The operation of the client can be influenced using MicroProfile Config.

        document/mp-rest/url: http://localhost:8082
        document/mp-rest/connectTimeout: 5000 #millisec
        document/mp-rest/readTimeout: 60000 #millisec

It is advisable to specify the following parameters for the client operation:

Parameter Key Mandatory Description



Base URL of the DookuG module


Connection Timeout (defaults to 5 seconds if unspecified)


Read Timeout (defaults to 1 minute if unspecified)



Template cache expiration time in minutes, default is 60 minutes



Whether to generate metrics for caching, defaults to false

5. Installation, Deployment

The Dookug module must be accessible in the environments of the project(s) that intend to utilize the service. Each instance of the service, along with its infrastructure requirements, should be installed and configured for every environment (development/test/production).


5.1.1. Service configuration

PDF signing
Parameter Value Description


-Xms2000m -Xmx2000m -XX:MetaspaceSize=96M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags -XX:+UseG1GC

Maximize module heap requirement to 2G memory with UseG1GC algorithm.

Requests/limits settings
        cpu: "3"
        memory: 3G
        cpu: "3"
        memory: 3G

5.1.3. Observability Health - startup/liveness/readiness

The service supports the use of K8S probes.

6. Additional informations

6.1. Template Cache

The application caches the TEMPLATE data stored in the database using GUAVA. The caches have a defined lifespan, and the time resets with each new request.

Configuration Parameters:

You can specify the duration for which templates are kept in the cache using the DOOKUG_SERVICE_CACHE_TEMPLATE_TTL parameter, in minutes. The default is 60 minutes.

You can specify whether metrics generation is needed using the DOOKUG_SERVICE_CACHE_TEMPLATE_ENABLESTATISTIC parameter. The default is false, meaning no metrics are generated.

Metrics similar to the following are generated:

# TYPE application_cache_hit_count gauge
application_cache_hit_count{name="template"} 0.0
# TYPE application_cache_miss_count gauge
application_cache_miss_count{name="template"} 1.0
# TYPE application_cache_size gauge
application_cache_size{name="template"} 1.0

6.2. Helpers - Helper Functions for Use in Template Files

6.2.1. Built-in Helpers

Handlebars provides built-in helpers, whose documentation can be found here.

6.2.2. Custom Helpers

It is possible to use general helpers provided by the module. In the examples, the …​ parts render if the expression evaluates to true. Usage

When using helpers, specify the parameters for the given helper after the helper keyword. Helpers can be used during inline generation and database-stored template-based generation. The parameters can be hardcoded values or come in JSON format during the document generation call.

Helpers can be combined with each other.




Available from Version


Compares the values of two elements; renders if the evaluation is true.

{{#if (equals yourField 'white')}} ... {{/if}}



Renders if the provided parameter is an earlier date than the given value. The latter can also be a parameter.

{{#if (before yourDate '2023-08-13T05:40:55Z')}} ... {{/if}}
{{#if (before yourDate checkDate)}} ... {{/if}}



Renders if the provided parameter falls between the two given date values. The latter can also be parameters.

{{#if (between yourDate '2023-08-13T05:40:55Z' '2023-08-15T05:40:55Z')}} ... {{/if}}
{{#if (between yourDate startDate endDate)}} ... {{/if}}



Subtracts a given number of minutes from the specified date.

{{dateMinusMinutes '2023-08-13T05:40:55Z' 60}}    // evaluates to '2023-08-13T04:40:55Z'
{{dateMinusMinutes yourDate 60}}                  // The following two examples evaluate to the same date
{{dateMinusMinutes yourDate minutesToSubtract}}



The counterpart to dateMinusMinutes, it adds minutes to the given date.

{{datePlusMinutes '2023-08-13T05:40:55Z' 60}} - evaluates to '2023-08-13T06:40:55Z'
{{datePlusMinutes yourDate 60}}
{{datePlusMinutes yourDate minutesToAdd}}



Creates a new variable and immediately renders it. The created variables are global, regardless of where they were created in the templates.

{{declare 'myColor' 'white'}}       // immediately renders the word 'white'
{{#if myColor}} {{myColor}} {{/if}} // renders 'white'



Works similarly to the declare helper, but does not immediately render the given value. declare can be replaced by declareVoid followed by immediate invocation.

{{declareVoid 'myColor' 'white'}}
{{#if myColor}} {{myColor}} {{/if}}  // renders 'white'
Replacing declare with declareVoid:
{{declareVoid 'myColor' 'white'}}
{{myColor}}   // renders 'white' immediately after creation



Transforms the given parameter, accepted in Java 8 date format, according to the specified pattern. The pattern only accepts date formats; otherwise, it throws an error.

yourDate = '2024-01-09';

{{formatDate '2023-08-13' 'yyyy.MM.dd'}}         // '2023.08.13'
{{formatDate '2023-08-13' 'MM.dd.yyyy'}}         // '08.13.2023'
{{formatDate yourDate 'yyyy/MM/dd'}}             // '2024/01/09'



Transforms the given parameter, accepted in Java 8 date and time format, according to the specified pattern. The helper handles full ISO date format input and can generate appropriate output using the pattern. The helper can also handle time zones; if a Java-accepted Zone ID is provided after the output pattern, it converts the input time to the time zone’s output.

yourDate = '2024-01-09T15:30:04Z'
yourDateTimeFormat = 'MM.dd-HH:mm'
yourDateFormat = 'yyyy/MM.dd'
yourTimeFormat = 'hh:mm:ss a'

{{formatDateTime '2023-08-13T05:40:55Z' 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}}         // '2023-08-13 06:40:55'
{{formatDateTime yourDate 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}}                       // '2024-01-09 15:30:04'
{{formatDateTime yourDate yourDateTimeFormat}}                          // '01.09-15:30'
{{formatDateTime yourDate yourDateFormat}}                              // '2024/01.09'
{{formatDateTime yourDate yourTimeFormat}}                              // '03:30:04 PM'
{{formatDateTime '2023-08-13T05:40:55Z' 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' 'CET'}}   // '2023-08-13 08:40:55'



Transforms the given parameter, accepted in Java 8 time format, according to the specified pattern. The pattern only accepts time formats; otherwise, it throws an error.

yourTime = '15:30:55Z';

{{formatTime '15:30:55Z' 'HH:mm:ss'}}         // '15:30:55'
{{formatTime yourTime 'h:mm A'}}              // '3:30 PM'



Helper used for formatting numbers, following Java number formatting conventions.

number = 1234.567;
percentage = 0.4567

{{formatNumber number '#'}}         // "1235", rounded integer
{{formatNumber number '0.00'}}      // "1234.57", number rounded to 2 decimals
{{formatNumber number '000000.00'}} // "001234.57", number padded with leading zeros
{{formatNumber number '#,###.##'}}  // "1,234.57", comma-separated, grouped by thousands
{{formatNumber number '$#,##0.00'}} // "$1,234.57", currency expression
{{formatNumber percentage '0.00%'}} // "45.67%", percentage expression of a value between 0 and 1
{{formatNumber number '0.###E0'}}   // "1.235E8", number in scientific notation



Logical AND operator for N values. Renders if the logical AND operator evaluates to true.

{{#if (and falseValue trueValue notExistingValue)}} YES {{else}} NO {{/if}}               // renders "NO"
{{#if (and trueValue trueValue trueValue)}} YES {{/if}}                                   // renders "YES" since all three values are true
myValue = 'black'
{{#if (and (equals myValue 'black')}} YES {{else}} NO {{/if}}                             // renders "YES", both the variable and the string evaluation are true
{{#if (and (equals myValue 'white')}} YES {{else}} NO {{/if}}                             // renders "NO", both the variable and the string evaluation are false

Combined usage:
{{#if (and (equals 'black' 'white') (equals 'white' 'white'))}} YES {{else}} NO {{/if}}   // renders "NO", the first is false, the second is true



Logical OR operator for N values. Renders if the logical OR operator evaluates to true.

{{#if (or falseValue trueValue notExistingValue)}} YES {{else}} NO {{/if}}               // renders "YES"
{{#if (or falseValue falseValue falseValue)}} YES {{/if}}                                // renders nothing
myValue = 'white'
{{#if (or myValue1 myValue2)}} YES {{else}} NO {{/if}}                                   // renders "YES" if myValue1 OR myValue2 is defined (not null)

Combined usage:
{{#if (or (equals 'black' 'white') (equals 'white' 'white'))}} YES {{else}} NO {{/if}}   // renders "YES", false OR true evaluates to true



Logical NOT operator. Negates the given parameter; renders if the evaluation is true, otherwise does not render.

{{#if (not falseValue)}} YES {{else}} NO {{/if}}                // YES
{{#if (not existingValue)}} YES {{else}} NO {{/if}}             // NO
{{#if (not (equals 'black' 'white'))}} YES {{else}} NO {{/if}}  // YES



Checks if the first parameter matches any of the subsequent elements


myValue = 'white'
{{#if (in myValue 'black' 'gray')}} YES {{else}} NO {{/if}}           // NO
{{#if (in myValue 'black' 'white' 'gray')}} YES {{else}} NO {{/if}}   // YES



Helper for basic mathematical operations. The first parameter is the operator, and the other two parameters are the operands. The list of usable operators:

“+”, “-”, “*”, “/”, “%”

If an invalid operator is used, the evaluation result is: “-1”. Otherwise, the result of the mathematical operation on the operands corresponding to the operator.

num1 = 5
num2 = 8
num3 = 100
num4 = 20

{{math '+' num1 num2}}  // 13
{{math '-' num3 53}}    // 47
{{math '*' num2 num4}}  // 160
{{math '/' num3 num4}}  // 5
{{math '%' num4 num2}}  // 40
{{math 'A' num1 num2}}  // -1

0.1.0 Additional Helper Functions

The following 3rd party helper functions can be used in the project:

6.3. Using Custom Fonts

This documentation is intended for the Apache PDFBox engine and focuses on using custom fonts.

A limitation of the engine is that it can only embed TTF fonts. Additionally, if you want to use weight, styles, and variants settings, it is worth noting that PDFBox cannot always emulate these properly unless you load different variations of the font.

In the docker-compose file, we add the fonts directory to our image as /home/icellmobilsoft/fonts, so we can access the fonts in this directory locally from the templates.

We have two options for using custom fonts.

  1. Load the font directly in the CSS

  2. Load the font programmatically, then reference it in the CSS using font-family

In the first option, you can specify the font’s location in the CSS within the @font-face at-rule using the src: url() descriptor.

In this case, internet access will be required during generation, which may not always be possible as the company’s policy may prohibit the module from accessing external URLs.

This can be mitigated either by making the fonts accessible through an internal URL or by preloading some frequently used fonts in the module and referencing their local availability using a file:// URL. If the module will contain preloaded fonts, it is advisable to mention this in the documentation or provide the information through an endpoint.


    @font-face {
        font-family: 'Cairo';
        font-style: normal;
        src: url(file:/home/icellmobilsoft/fonts/Cairo/Cairo-Regular.ttf); (1)

    @font-face {
        font-family: 'IndieFlower';
        font-style: normal;
        src: url(file:fonts/IndieFlower/IndieFlower-Regular.ttf); (2)
1 Loading Cairo-Regular.ttf from the /home/icellmobilsoft/fonts directory.
2 Here we also load the font from the above directory. The server considers /home/icellmobilsoft as the root, so the relative path works.

Using Google Fonts

    @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Quicksand&amp;display=swap'); (1)

    .quicksand { (2)
      font-family: 'Quicksand', Arial;
      font-weight: 700;
      font-style: normal;
      font-size: 38px;
      line-height: 1.15;
      letter-spacing: -.02em;
      color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
      -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
<p class="quicksand">Google Quicksand Font úőüöóéáyí</p> (3)
1 Importing the Quicksand font from Google Fonts
2 Setting the CSS class to use the font
3 Displaying text with the specified font

If we want to load fonts programmatically from the file system, we can use the builder.useFonts method during rendering, which we can reference in the CSS.


builder.useFont(new File("fonts/NotoSansThai/NotoSansThai-Regular.ttf"), "notosansthai-regular"); (1)
1 Loading NotoSansThai-Regular.ttf


    @font-face {
        font-family: 'notosansthai-regular'; (1)
        font-style: normal;
        -fs-font-subset: complete-font; (2)
1 Using the previously loaded font
2 This is just an example; this setting is not really necessary as it embeds the entire font, whereas by default only the subset is embedded, which is the correct operation.

The downside is that all fonts are loaded during rendering, even those not used in the document template.

The PDFBox Fonts Wiki is available here

6.4. Digitally Signing PDFs

This documentation is intended for the Apache PDFBox engine and describes the process of digitally signing PDFs using a self-signed certificate, which is added to the image as /home/icellmobilsoft/keys/keystore.p12 using the docker-compose file.

The keystore is located in the /etc/docker-compose/keys folder and was created on November 7, 2023, with the following command:

keytool -genkeypair -storepass 123456 -storetype pkcs12 -alias test -validity 10958 -v -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.p12

it will expire on November 7, 2053.

6.4.1. Configuration

The signature can be requested in the API calls within the GeneratorSetup request. Here you can specify the signatureName, signatureReason, and the private key alias (keyAlias) in case the keystore file contains multiple private keys.

    <ns2:digitalSignatureProfile>sampleProfile</ns2:digitalSignatureProfile> (1)
1 The name of the signature profile only in case you need PDF signing

The signature can be customized with the following configuration keys:

          sampleProfile: (1)
            name: Example Ltd. (2)
            reason: Certified (2)
            keystore: /home/icellmobilsoft/keys/keystore.p12 (3)
            keystorePass: 123456 (4)
            keystoreType: PKCS12 (4)
            keyAlias: key_test (5)
1 the name of the signatureProfile
2 name and reason default values are used if the request does not contain these values.
3 keystore is mandatory and specifies the location of the signing keys.
4 keystorePass and keystoreType specify the password and type of the keystore file, respectively. These are also mandatory.
5 the identifier of the private key within the keystore

6.4.2. Visible signature (using the EU DSS ESIGN library)

In case you want to add visible (clickable) signature to the PDF document you need to add some extra configuration.

            keystore: /home/icellmobilsoft/keys/keystore.p12 (3)
            keystorePass: 123456
            keystoreType: PKCS12
            keyAlias: key_test
            useEuDssSig: true (1)
              imageFile: /home/icellmobilsoft/pdfsign/sample/signature.png (2)
              showOnPage: 1 (3)
                left: 18 (4)
                top: 2 (5)
              width: 2 (6)
              useTimestamp: true (7)
                - http://timestamp.digicert.com (8)
              useLT: true (8)
              useLTA: false (9)
1 use the EU DSS library to sign the document
2 the image you want to add to the document
3 the image will added to this page: -1: last page, 1:first page, 0:wont add, n:n-th page
4 X position of the image in cm (from top left corner)
5 Y position of the image in cm (from top left corner)
6 the width of the image in cm
7 you can add the signature timestamp to the image

The available configuration keys can be found here.

If we need PAdES BASELINE T, LT or LTA, the tspSources must be given!

PAdES BASELINE T: tspSources must be set

PAdES BASELINE LT: tspSources must be set and useLT=true

PAdES BASELINE LTA: tspSources must be set and useLTA=true

6.5. Keystore Cache for digital signature

The application caches the keystore data configured for signature profiles using GUAVA. The caches have a defined lifespan, and the time resets with each new request.

Configuration Parameters:

You can specify the duration for which templates are kept in the cache using the DOOKUG_SERVICE_CACHE_KEYSTORE_TTL parameter, in minutes. The default is 1440 minutes (1 day).

You can specify whether metrics generation is needed using the DOOKUG_SERVICE_CACHE_KEYSTORE_ENABLESTATISTIC parameter. The default is false, meaning no metrics are generated.

Metrics similar to the following are generated:

# TYPE application_cache_hit_count gauge
application_cache_hit_count{name="keystore"} 0.0
# TYPE application_cache_miss_count gauge
application_cache_miss_count{name="keystore"} 1.0
# TYPE application_cache_size gauge
application_cache_size{name="keystore"} 1.0

7. Release notes

7.1. v0.4.0

The project has been released on GitHub opensource.

  • maven pom change:

    • <groupId>hu.icellmobilsoft.dookug.common</groupId><groupId>hu.icellmobilsoft.dookug</groupId>

    • <groupId>hu.icellmobilsoft.dookug.document</groupId><groupId>hu.icellmobilsoft.dookug</groupId>

    • <groupId>hu.icellmobilsoft.dookug.client</groupId><groupId>hu.icellmobilsoft.dookug</groupId>

7.2. v0.5.0

7.2.1. Changes / updates

7.2.2. Migration

Replace TemplateLanguageType.* occurrences with the string value of the language.

7.3. v0.6.0

7.3.1. Changes / updates

  • Documentation fixes (formatting, missing 0.5.0 release notes include)

  • Add com.github.jknack.handlebars.helper.StringHelpers build in helper to helpers

  • Rename formatDate to formatDateTime

  • Create formatDate which handles date format

  • Create formatTime which handles time format

  • Add IT test for owned helpers

  • GET /system/evict REST endpoint added

  • Template caching has been fixed

  • Template caching can be configured with the environment variable named DOOKUG_SERVICE_CACHE_TEMPLATE_ENABLED (true by default)

7.3.2. Migration

Changes are backwards compatible doesnt need any migration.

7.4. v1.0.0

7.4.1. Changes / updates

  • Jakarta EE10 upgrade

  • Test fix

  • gitHub Workflows - java 17 upgrade

  • Bugfix: The not helper function has been fixed, it evaluated the false parameter incorrectly.

  • Handlebars version bump: 4.3.1 → 4.4.0

  • Handlebars caching: Handlebars template engine now uses its in-built caching mechanism for compiled templates

  • coff:ee upgrade - migration doc: 2.5.0 → 2.6.0

  • coff:ee upgrade - migration doc: 2.6.0 → 2.7.0

The client is not affected by the coffee upgrade, it remains 2.6.0 coffee . The reason for this is that you should upgrade to 2.7.0 on the project that uses coffee.
Because of the coffee upgrade, the use of interfaces had to be removed from the clients, because it already uses the coffee 2.7.0 BaseException, and would cause a break in the client.
  • For dookug-model, org.hibernate groupId has been replaced by org.hibernate.orm.

  • Roaster upgrade migration: 2.1.0 → 2.2.0

  • In tests, the coffee.model.base.java.time.timezone.id property in the BaseIT class is set to UTC.

  • New documentation structure

7.4.2. Migration

  • Replace the dookug-client dependency in your project depending on whether you are using JEE 8 or JEE 10.

	<artifact>dookug-client-jee10</artifact> (1)

	<artifact>dookug-client-jee8</artifact> (2)
1 in case you have EE10 application
2 in case you have EE8 application

7.5. v1.1.0

7.5.1. Changes / updates

  • Documentation has been translated to english.

  • Using the EU DSS Esig library (6.1) to sign PDF documents (optional)

  • PDF signing: signature key removed from configuration.

  • GitHub workflows for docker build and release build

  • The coffee-module-etcd dependency has been removed.

  • The signatureName and signatureReason has been removed from the request - These are set up in the application configuration under profile name keys

  • Possible extSessionId dupication (in client calls) fixed

  • SVG image fix

  • JsonB context handling fixes

7.5.2. Migration

Changes are backwards compatible doesnt need any migration.